博士論文 (令和2年度)

学位授与日 種別 氏名 題目 主査
2021/03/23 課程 Antoine Rolet

Optimal Transport Dictionary Learning andNon-negative Matrix Factorization

山本 章博
2021/03/23 課程 藤村 友貴

3D Reconstruction in Scattering Media

飯山 将晃
2021/03/23 課程(短期) 關口 航平

A Unified Statistical Approach to Fast andRobust Multichannel Speech Separation andDereverberation

吉井 和佳
2021/03/23 課程 林 勝悟

Information Exploration and Exploitationfor Machine Learning with Small Data

鹿島 久嗣
2021/03/23 課程 井田 安俊

Algorithms for Accelerating Machine learning with Wide and Deep Models

鹿島 久嗣
2020/9/23 課程 山本 卓永 Deep Learning Approaches on the Recognition of Affective Properties of Images
中澤 篤志
2020/9/23 課程 Zhao Tianyu Utterance Abstraction and Response Diversity for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems
河原 達也
2020/9/23 課程  Matti Sakari Itkonen

Application of Biological Control Principle in Understanding of Human Behavior Modulations

熊田 孝恒